Jade Cruz (left) and Frida Beltran (right)

Senior students Frida Beltran Jade Cruz were awarded by the Rural/Small Town Recognition Program and the National Hispanic Recognition Program. The two girls qualified for the awards based on the location of their high school, their Hispanic background and their PSAT scores, and their cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher. The recognition will help the two receive “personalized outreach from different colleges” according to the school counselor Ana Salinas. It will help them with their college applications because colleges will actively seek these types of awards in their applicants.

Adilene Vasquez, also known as Ash, is a sophomore at Jimmy Carter Early College High School. A few of her interests include looking at pictures of penguins, making different crochet crafts for her cat and reading Nicholas Sparks novels. A main goal of hers is to graduate from Harvard with a law degree and possibly even a PhD in political science. Her favourite colors are green and pastel purple.