This past week has been extremely well, I had a lot of free time this week and it was one of the first times that I wasn’t stressed, or working on something. I ended up going to one of my friends to sleep over on Saturday and I stayed there until Tuesday, it was a lot of fun and it was nice to get out of the house. When I was there we watched a lot of movies, while in quarantine that’s been one of my favorite things to do, watching around 2 movies a day as a little reward for getting work done, or as a break from all the work. I watch movies that I’ve watched before and think are really good, and I’ve watched movies that I’ve neer seen before and have fallen in love with the movies. We watched like 5 movies at night, and we just ate a lot of junk food.
I haven’t hung out with any of my friends in a while, but me and my friends are always taking and texting. I’ve been planning on going over to her house, but I just had a lot going on and I said that after last week I would be free, so I went over and we just stayed at her house and hung out.
On the last night I was there we ended up painted and I have always loved to paint it literally so relaxing, and stress relieving. I had never actually tried to paint anything good, because in reality I’m not the best drawer, but I like to just paint. When I was young I would paint sentences on my walls, I used to paint my doors all the time. So when she brought up the idea I thought it was a great one. I looked up something to paint on my favorite app ever, Pinterest. I decided to paint a male with a T.V. as his head, I thought it looked cool so i wanted to paint it. I spent around an hour and a half to make the painting to my liking, my friend drew her’s in like 20 minute, needless to say it was a beautiful mess.
I painted while listening to music, not going to my phone and it was so relaxing, I was so focused on something that was peaceful rather than focusing on something causing me stress. When I came home, I begged my dad to take me to Walmart to buy more paints, canvases, and paintbrushes. Surprisingly he agreed and I bought all my materials and when we got home I began to paint. I did the same, sat down focused on the painting and listened to music and I was so relaxed. I’m glad I picked up this hobby of mine. I’m not an artist or painter at all, but I do it because I enjoy it. In this time of the world I’m glad I have found something that brings me peace in quiet in all the hectic surroundings.