When I’m not feeling down or stressing over a deadline that I could have potentially procrastinated in, I like to keep myself busy. Of course watching re-runs of Parks and Rec. is always an option, but after a few episodes, it just makes me feel bored and guilty. I find it better to use my time doing things that somehow benefit me. Without a doubt, this is what I do to suffice this encroaching boredom.
First on my list is something I picked up two years ago and just recently picked back up, French. I think the reason I first picked this up is because I’ve always had an interest in learning different languages and since I hope to become an International Business Lawyer, I decided to retrieve this skill.
The second skill I decided on came from admiration to those who are ambidextrous. Although this sounds completely absurd, I’ve been trying my best to trace through dashed ABC papers that are given to kindergarteners to help with penmanship. I can rest assured knowing that this skill is definitely going to help me out if I’m ever in a predicament that doesn’t allow me to use my right hand.
Third is what I find most useful even when I feel down and overwhelmed. I really enjoy taking long walks with my mom. While we’re walking we vent over issues that we have and just try to be there for each other. This also really helps when just wanting to change the scenery were inclined to, our homes.
Lastly, I’ve really enjoyed cooking new recipes for my family and I to try. Whether it be on YouTube or TikTok, I’m always finding new recipes for us to try. Of course when things go south, there’s nothing a delivered dominoes pizza won’t fix.
The secret to curing this boredom is doing things that you love and are fond of. When when you’re bored always remember that there are so many things you can learn from, and also help you.