Last week was a fuss. I was waking up every day at noon with more than 15 emails from every single one of my teachers. Moments like this make you appreciate everything. For example, did you ever realize how much time we actually had in our hands because the school would make us wake up early? Just a thought. Anyways, I’ve learned that to be able to sleep now; I actually had to start taking these melatonin gummies. It helps me sleep without overthinking every possible scenario that can happen in the next couple of weeks, and the best part is it allows me to wake up early without being tired.
You see, this deadly virus has caused a whole lot of changes. I am starting with the fact that we no longer have a school. The district says we’ll be back by April 30, but I highly doubt that. It’s a bit of a shock when you actually step out of your daily routine and realize that you actually have no freaking idea what to do—adding to that, that we can’t actually go out anywhere or if you’re not a responsible citizen and you’re not protecting yourself and others and going out. However, in this whole mess, I’m still going to work. You’d be surprised to see how many people actually will put themselves in danger and create physical contact with you for a whopper. The amount of income the store is making is basically the same. Our working habits have changed though, we now use gloves for everything and wash our hands every 30 minutes. We also have fewer staff working during the same shift, which is totally a bummer because I already get a crappy paycheck. Imagine what it will be with my two days of work. It’s actually sad though the fact that many people aren’t getting any money to be able to provide to their families. I mean, I don’t really need the money since I’m working for myself, but what about those people who actually have to support their families? That’s scary.
I’ve been watching the news every single day with my mother, and Even though this pandemic is really dangerous, I believe it would actually bring some relief and decrease the hysteria if they would actually talk about something else. I mean LITERALLY, a whole hour just talking about how people are being infected and dying do they actually realize how much effect this news causes to people? I would doubt it if they did, they would know that the people actually need to start inhaling something different.
Aside from all the crap, this pandemic has brought my family back together, and every day is a movie night, apparently. That’s okay though I love them, and before I was always stuck between school and work plus church that we never really had time to or I never had time to be with them. It’s fun to see what my mother is doing to try and cheer the whole house up.