TAFE is hosting a rummage sale to raise money for scholarships for the Class of 2023. Senior, Jacklynn Zamora, is the one behind the rummage sale.

“I am hosting this event for a service project through TAFE, where the main goal is to turn used items into new items that will be used again,” Zamora said. 

One of the events that TAFE can participate in is Project Visualize. Zamora chose to organize this service project and wants to take it to competition. She saw a need for scholarship opportunities and wanted to provide a scholarship for people who do community service. 

“My inspiration is to show people it’s easier done than said, to change that motto,” Zamora said. “I see many students who attend every community service event or help when they see the need, not just when it’s convenient to them.”

It would work by donating clothing or any items to TAFE. They will set prices for the items and then sell them. Then they will offer seniors the opportunity to apply for the scholarship. 

“The criteria is gonna involve their service hours, not just their service hours, but it’s gonna be one of the bigger components.” Vanessa Brown said. 

Based on the amount of money they make through the rummage sale, they will distribute it to three scholarship recipients.  

“Even if they’re not huge scholarships, I think any amount of money when preparing for school is beneficial because of gas, a meal, things like that,” Brown said.

Zamora feels it is a great way to bring the community together and an organization. She wants it to be an opportunity for three recipients to outshine others with their characters of service.