Submitted by: Robert Ortiz
“Beauty in the sea”
There was many pieces of artwork that were displayed in the art gallery walk. But there was an artwork in particular that really caught my attention. This art piece consisted of three small pieces that looked like they were made out of clay. The base were made of aluminum canvases with the pictures made up of clay. There was one that has a dolphin drawn on it, one with a dolphin, and another one with an octopus. I personally are in love with sea creatures, and seeing this helps me see the beauty of the sea that is full of beautiful and wonderful plants and animals. It seemed like the artist took a lot of time with this and doesn’t look like something you do in one night. I am astonished on how good the artworks were. It seems like the artist took their time and put a lot of effort so that people can see the beauty of art. It takes a lot of talent for a highschool student to be able to make such beautiful pieces. They are on a great road to one day become professional artist.