At first, I didn’t know whether to start with a thank you or an apology. There’s something about teaching an ocean of hormonally imbalanced teenagers that doesn’t sound too appealing to me. Nonetheless, here you are. Repeating a lecture seven times a day, speaking so passionately, others are sure to confuse your lesson with a sermon. All for what? For that one bratty kid in every period to step all over your dauntless discourse? (Seriously, though, if you have the answer, please email me.)
Anyway, there’s a reason I believe the journey between a student and a teacher is forever. You see, whatever us students amount to, become in life, it is because of you. Like sponges, we soak up a lot of what’s taught to us. Learning your mannerisms is the easiest, though. At this point, hearing “chispas” out in the halls was inevitable. So, expect a couple of years from now for me to become a lawyer and say something witty following the victory of my first case–I know Mr. Silva would do the same.
Not only do we learn a surplus of academic skills and idiosyncrasy, but we also learn impacting life lessons. Whether it be taught directly from you or an obstacle in life, you make us know that you’re there for us. Not many have the option to confide in their teachers. Yet, you make it available to us without an expectation of a return. As a student, I’m inspired by this, and it makes me cherish the relationship between student and teacher evermore.
Let me take on a more personal note. I’d like to thank my freshman year teachers for helping me showcase my inner child phase. Sophomore teachers Thank You for being there for me through my toughest phase, my junior year teachers, for cheering me on in my comeback phase. And to my senior teachers, well for what’s to come. Each and every one of you makes the difference in who we are and who we aspire to be. Just as I know we matter in your lives, please take note that you matter in ours too.
I’m sorry, and thank you.