Being a highschool student has its ups and downs, but most important you get to meet new people and new teachers that will forever change your life.
Some high school courses that changed her life are journalism and speech. In journalism she has learned many things. For example, How to write articles, how to take pictures and how to interview people.Speech class was on of her favorite classes her freshman year. She learned how to talk in front of crowds and just regular people without being all red and shy. Also she learned how to give a speech in less than 3 minutes.
Some teachers that affected her learning experience was Mrs.Gonzalez, Mrs.Queen, Mrs.Bangsalud, And Mr.Silva. Starting with Mrs.Gonzalez she was her freshman english I teacher. Learned a lot in her class. She had a good bond with her that i miss her class. Next is Mrs.Queen, my algebra I teacher. She made math fun and interesting to learn. She would always fail her test but when the STAR test came past that test with flying colors. She was amazed. Then we have Mrs.bangsalud,My avid teacher. She is one of those where you can say anything to her and she would give you good advice. She is is one of the very few people that she counted on. The final one is Mr.Silva, she was amazed by his attitude , the way he teaches an is not afraid to be bold and straight up. He gives really good advice also. She love learning and thanks to these teachers she enjoyed it even more.
Many of us are tired of school and done with learning but when it comes to these subjects she could learn it and memorize it over and over again. One of her favorite subjects is US history! It's her favorite. She knows mostly everything from George washington to the present day. All the amendments, Constitution, court laws anything , and if she is wrong she would learn it again. Another subject that she enjoy learning is english. She loves to read and write and makeup stories and explain certain things.
Challenges and accomplishments it's something each of us have. We put goals on ourselves to see what we are capable of. For instance , some of her challenges are to pass the english TSI. She hasn't been able to pass it since her freshman year. She just has a lot of difficult, But she has passed all my classes, she has never flunked any classes and she passed all her star test.
Being in class that you hate the subject is the most boring thing in the world. For example her academic weakness is MATH. She hates the subject not the teacher the subject, She has never been good with numbers but if they would talk about history class she would be answering questions adding information to the things the teacher said. She loves everything about US history.
Highschool , students don't find extra curricular activities that interesting. They say they have other important things to do (party) but don't realize it's important to be involve. She loves to volunteer at the nursing homes because she loves to see peoples faces just glow with happiness. Hopefully in November, She will start to volunteer at the juvenile detention center. This will help with her resume.
Many latino families don't have that many members graduate from school and go to college. Her family has been with her since the beginning and pressuring her to become someone in life. Her family want for her to have a better future than they did. She is the first born so that means she will be the first graduate from college. She wants to go to college because she want to make her family proud and the career she wants to pursue requires and education.
People have goals , small goals others have Big goals , she is a person that dreams big and wants big. Her education goals are getting all of her degrees like her Associates, Bachelor's, Masters, and docteres. She wants to die knowing she accomplished everything she needed to do and make her family proud.
When she was a child she dreamed of being a teacher then as she was growing up she learned that their was more than just teaching. She is not you typical girl , she wants to become a supreme court judge, then become I know it's going to sound funny but I know she will accomplish this , she wants to become the president of the united states. She want to be able to make america great, and do what these past presidents couldn't do.
By giving back to the community , she would help her fellow immigrants struggling to get their green card. She would be able to help anybody in need. By going to college and graduating would help her accomplish her academic plans.
The most valuable thing in her life is her family , freedom and education. She values her family a lot because they're the only people that are going to be their for her. Her freedom , well most of the people around the world judge you for being a women and wanting to have an education. She is privilege to have a free education, free food,and free transportation. When in other countries this is not provided , We are lucky.
Her future is bright and big. She will accomplish everything and become someone in this life. Expect big from her and she will be the future female president of the united states.
More by Alexia E.