The National Honor Society values service and character as two of its four pillars. Service means going outside oneself to meet the needs of others from various communities. At the same time, the character builds relationships grounded in empathy. Bridging the care of local animals, the school’s NHS is asking Jimmy Carter students to donate to the local animal shelters.
The Jimmy Carter Early College High School NHS is hosting its third annual “Love for Paws” event, where students donate pet food and animal care products to the Yaqui Animal Rescue.
“The purpose of this project is that I saw the need to help animal shelters,” NHS sponsor and Spanish teacher Claudia Camarillo said. “I’m a pet lover. I want to do something for the animal community.”
Camarillo and the NHS members have placed fliers with a list of animal products students can donate to their first-period teacher to spread the word.
“I think one of the things that always helps us reach our goal and with past projects is to give something in return,” Camarillo said. “Whatever first-period class donates the most items will receive a pizza party.”
Camarillo said NHS should participate in this project because the Yaqui Animal Rescue needs donations to remind the NHS members about being responsible pet owners.
“I want to create this culture of responsibility for our pets,” Camarillo said. “I also think we as a community need to help animals in need, which is why I feel that the NHS needs to play a part in this project.”
A house fire occurred in La Joya in 2021. Firefighter Marlo Munoz, the first responder, rescued a puppy whom Munoz had mistaken for a teddy bear. After Munoz saved the puppy from the house fire, the Yaqui Animal Rescue took the puppy in and named it after Munoz. This story inspired Camarillo to start this project to give all pets the care they deserve.