Navigating the Last Year: Ariana Espinoza's Reflection on Academics, Challenges, and Future Aspirations at Jimmy Carter High School

As Ariana Espinoza winds down the academic year at Jimmy Carter High School, we find ourselves amidst a whirlwind of emotions – excitement, nostalgia, and perhaps a hint of trepidation as we prepare to embark on new life chapters. It's a year characterized by the delicate balance between bidding farewell to familiar halls and eagerly anticipating the adventures.

“Regardless of it being a very busy year it has been very fun and bittersweet at the same time. We are all getting ready to move on to new chapters in our lives, but also trying to create new memories and enjoy the time that we have left together. It is definitely a year of reflection as well, we look back at all of the academic challenges we’ve had and accomplishments we’ve made and growth we’ve shown whether it's personal or academically. Time has flown by very fast, but I’m glad that I have been able to make the most of it.” 

Ariana is focused on maintaining her grades. 

“I have planned to maintain good grades in all my classes and I have achieved them by trying my best and staying on top of my work by turning it in on time.”

 Espinoza enjoys her current classes which makes it much easier to learn. 

“I am currently taking an anatomy and physiology class and although it is challenging it’s a very interesting class. It’s an opportunity to challenge ourselves and how well we can memorize everything as we navigate through the studies of the human body.”

It's evident that managing time effectively is crucial, especially with the array of responsibilities that come with being a senior.

"As someone who has always struggled with managing their time, I am really proud of how well I have managed working, extracurricular activities, and academics this year. I think that sometimes we just need to discipline ourselves in order to get things done. I write down all my tasks on a sticky note to stay organized. If I’m aware that I have work or events, I prioritize completing those tasks beforehand. It makes things easier for me to balance everything and manage my time efficiently."

 Transitioning to the senior year often comes with its unique set of academic hurdles.

“When I started taking my anatomy and physiology class, it was difficult for me to find a studying technique that would help me prepare for exams. I tried different methods and nothing was helping me in the way that I expected it too. I simply overcame it by keeping an open mind on different studying methods and being determined on finding the one that would help me the most.”

Studying can be difficult at times but once you find the right strategy, it makes it much easier.  

“As I mentioned before, I try to stay organized by listing all of the assignments I have for the week on a sticky note and as I'm completing them I cross them out. When it comes to studying, I don’t really have a specific strategy because I study differently for each of my classes. However, I like to teach someone else who is also taking the class about what we’re learning. It helps me correct misunderstandings and helps me actually learn the material being covered.”

It is always kind to share knowledge with those classes below you, and Ariana shared these wise words for the juniors. 

“Manage your time wisely and prepare yourself for next year as you submit college and scholarship applications, but don’t forget to enjoy and cherish this journey. Always remember to prioritize yourself and well being.”

Jimmy Carter, High School Senior, Reflects on Final Academic Year

As the academic year draws to a close at Jimmy Carter Early College High School, senior Ariana Espinoza shares her mixed emotions of excitement, nostalgia, and anticipation for what lies ahead. Espinoza, who has maintained high grades throughout her final year, emphasizes the importance of cherishing the remaining time with classmates while preparing for future endeavors. It’s a year characterized by the delicate balance between bidding farewell to familiar halls and eagerly anticipating the adventures.

“Regardless of being a very busy year, it has been fun and bittersweet. We are all getting ready to move on to new chapters in our lives, but also trying to create new memories and enjoy the time that we have left together,” Espinoza said. “It is a year of reflection as well; we look back at all of the academic challenges we’ve had, accomplishments we’ve made, and growth we’ve shown, whether personal or academic. Time has flown by very fast, but I’m glad I have made the most of it.”

Espinoza’s academic rigor is evident in her commitment to her studies, particularly in an anatomy and physiology class that she finds challenging and fascinating.
“I have planned to maintain good grades in all my classes, and I have achieved them by trying my best and staying on top of my work by turning it in on time,” It’soza said.

Beyond academics, Espinoza has successfully balanced extracurricular activities” and part-time work, crediting her organizational skills for her ability to manage her time efficiently.
“As someone who has always struggled with managing their time, I am proud of how well I have managed working, extracurricular activities, and academics this year,” Espinoza said. “Sometimes we just need to discipline ourselves to get things done. I write down all my tasks on a sticky note to stay organized. If I know I have work or events, I prioritize completing those tasks beforehand. It makes things easier for me to balance everything and manage my time efficiently.”

Looking “to the future, Espinoza shares advice for underclassmen, stressing the” importance of time management, self-care, and enjoying the high school experience.
“Manage your time wisely and prepare yourself for next year as you submit college and scholarship applications,” Espinoza said, “but don’t forget to enjoy and cherish this journey. Always remember to prioritize yourself and your well-being.”

With graduation on the horizon, Espinoza and her classmates stand at the threshold of a new beginning, ready to face the challenging opportunities that await.

I am 16 years old and I'm a junior at JCECHS.