Students met on the football field for a ‘color war.’ Students dressed in colors assigned by grade level. The class rivalry lives on as far as school spirit is concerned—each class engaged in their ‘war’ chants to show their different levels of school spirit.

Freshmen wore blue, sophomores black, juniors green, and seniors red. The winning class was determined by the group with the highest participation—school spirit as measured by the numbers.

The freshman class had 82% of its’ students participating, sophomores had 79%, and juniors had 47%. The seniors won the color war, with 94% of the students clad in red.

“It was a great success for the junior class,” junior class president Winston Garza said. “It was very exciting and appreciated by every class.”

“The color war was a last-minute event, which not many students knew about. I think they were fun; I just would have wished that there would have been more spirit from our class,” student council secretary Daniela Flores said.

During color wars, each class had to chant to determine who would get the school’s spirit stick.

The class that won the spirit stick was the junior class. Garza was in charge of the junior class chant, which goes, “Junior class, who are we?”

The juniors replied with, ” ’23!”

Francisca is a 16-year-old, working towards earning her Associate's Degree in Criminal Justice. She is a part of AV Production/Journalism with Mr.Silva. She participates in UIL Journalism and Math.