With 2020 being the year of the presidential election, there are concerns from students regarding both candidates: Joe Biden and Donald Trump.
Junior class parliamentarian Rachel Cruz describes herself as “anxious, curious, and worried” about the presidential election’s upcoming results.
“ I’m curious to see what will happen under Joe Biden’s presidency, but at the same time, I’m worried we could be heading for a disaster if either candidate wins,” Cruz said.
Compared to past presidential elections, this year is more critical than ever because whether Trump or Biden is elected to office, they have to continue to deal with the Coronavirus, social movements, and the economy.
“ I read an article where it said Joe Biden had a plan for climate change, a lot of people don’t care about that and would rather have Trump,” Cruz said. “ There’s a lot of propaganda and inaccurate information going around… People manipulate stuff:”
Rumors have started that both parties’ supporters will be planning to riot and violently protest about the election results.
“ I’m worried that with either candidate elected, that the people of the U.S. will turn on each other due to their political views, and would probably end up with many protests, riots, and outbreaks,” Yanesie Martinez said.