This week was rather uneventful for me. I had gotten more results from my CT scan from last week and learned that I had another bulging disk in my neck, although I would have never noticed had I not been told about since like my back I have had slight pain and discomfort in my spine for as long as I can remember. Between my medical checkups and the pandemic, I have started to be more aware of my health. I have tried to improve my diet, although it didn’t last long, I also continue to try to clean my room in order to get it as clean as I possibly can. I am starting to get more and more acclimated to everything being online, but I still don’t like the change since I still have difficulty learning through online classes, and I doubt that it will change in any meaningful way. I just want for the pandemic to be over so that everything can go back to normal, I am sick of being stuck in the same place with the same things to do and no one to talk to.

I found my old guitar from 4th grade, which I was never good at playing and am obviously worse now since it has been years since I last practiced or even touched a guitar, although I have been practicing on and off again when I have time to do so (by practicing I, of course, mean that I just play random notes in an attempt to replicate songs I like or try to string together vaguely bearable melodies which have not gone over all that well). Besides, nothing of note happened in my life this week. I have been spending my off time switching between practicing my guitar, playing video games, and reading Wikipedia articles. There isn’t much to do, and nothing too major happened in the news to discuss, although it seems that TV doctors Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil have said harmful things about COVID-19 that downplay just how serious the disease is. I don’t imagine that their careers will survive due to the fallout the comments have created.