This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series Why Carter?

At Jimmy Carter, there is always something to celebrate. Several months ago, different clubs at Carter came together to host a Mercado before Thanksgiving Break. Some clubs sold snacks… others hosted mini games. If you want to be apart of the fun, come join the Carter community!

Series Navigation<< Why Carter? We hold pep rallies and exciting activities for students to enjoy. Want to join in on the fun? Be a part of the RedWolves!Why Carter? As a student at Jimmy Carter, YOU have the opportunity to obtain an associate’s degree and up to 60 college credit hours. >>

Annett Gonzalez is a junior at Jimmy Carter Early College High School. She is apart of the National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, and apart of U.I.L. Annett's vision for the Red Gold News is to create entertaining pieces whether it involves podcasting or videography. She also likes to be involved in taking pictures for Spirit Week.