Student Council and Student government members, directed by Junior teacher, Mr. Bernal, organized the Anti-Bullying Pep-Rally. The reason this event took place was to raise awareness against bullying and to celebrate the school’s overall hard work. The pep-rally was held in JCECHS Gym, Friday, October 5th.

The pep-rally began with the pep-squad/cheerleaders taking the floor with a dance in which they dedicated their time to. Second, La Joya High School Jewelettes took the dance floor. Both performances were amazing.

Next, competitive games were hosted: Tug Of War, Orange Race, Wheelbarrow race, Stomping Balloon, and Paper Tennis where the classes went head-to-head.

Finally, there was a competition for the spirit stick, where all the classes tried their best to show off their school pride. Having spirit and pride is the most important thing we can have. Winning the spirit stick is like receiving an Oscar.

The Junior class took the spirit stick. They prepared all week to be able to win the pep-rally spirit stick. They made posters, flags, and confetti so they wouldn’t leave empty-handed. They took pride and joy to the pep rally. Overall, all the grade levels screamed at the top of their lungs showing their pride to be a Red Wolf.

Junior class with the spirit stick.


Leslie hopes in graduating with an Associate Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. Mrs. Queen and Mr. Silva have both affected her learning experience positively because they are motivating and make her feel capable. Her favorite subjects are math and physics. The reason she enjoys these subjects is that these subjects allow her to come to an exact answer. In the other hand, she dislikes English because she believes literature should be open for interpretation and often, there isn’t a definite answer. Because she enjoys math and physics, she thinks they are her academic strengths. Leslie participates in UIL Math and Number Sense and is part of FBLA.

She wants to attend college to further her education because she wants to be successful financially, to live a happy life and make her parents and herself proud. One of her goals is to obtain a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. Achieving her goal means that she’ll be able to give back to the people in need. Something that is important to her is her education, as well as kindness.

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