South Texas College will be hosting its annual sports tournament at the Pecan campus on Sat., Nov. 23. The tournament gives early college students an opportunity to participate in sports activities at least once a year. Students must be passing all their classes in order to compete at the event.
Students formed teams and began practicing in each of their respective sports a month before the tournament. Competitors from different early colleges will compete against each other in volleyball, three versus three basketball, and soccer.
Coach Guadalupe Barrera is managing the teams from Carter, supervising practices, taking care that rosters are complete and accurate for the teams, and making sure there is medical equipment available for the games on Saturday. Barrera says that students need to put in the time and effort to practice if they want to do well.
“The kids practice on their own time. Some practice during lunch and some stay after school,” Barrera said.
Junior Briana Martinez, captain of the volleyball team, says that she hopes her fellow classmates will attend the event on Saturday to support the school’s athletes.
“It would really help if many people from school came to support us,” Briana said.
Briana also mentioned that the JCEC girls volleyball team has won second place for the past two years, and that she hopes the team will continue their success this year.
The event will last all day at the STC Pecan campus this Saturday.