Edward Vidaurre, a published author, visited Carter on September 19th to speak about his background and work to students. Vidaurre’s visit was made possible through a partnership with Carter and STC.
The work he came to talk about is a poem called JazzHouse.
The arrangement was made possible through the collaboration of Mrs. Cavazos and South Texas College.
The purpose of this affiliation is for authors to be able to come to Carter and present themselves with their literature and gain recognition. More authors like Edward Vidaurre will be invited to Carter sometime in October and throughout the rest of the year.
Multiple Carter students attended the event and were able to learn more about the author and his book as well as different types of literature and genres.
One teacher thinks it’s a great that these authors are coming to Carter. For instance, they come to Carter and its a completely different experience meeting the author in person.
“It’s a good thing that the students are able to meet these authors to help create a relationship with the author and get a first-hand look at managing and creating a book,” said Mr. Bernal.
The librarian thinks that the authors attending Carter has a positive impact on students. Furthermore, public speakers help students have a new perspective on literature.
“I think it gives motivation for the kids to get out of their comfort zones and take a chance to learn and read different genres,” said Mrs. Cavazos.