Jimmy Carter Early College High School makes a historic event winning U.I.L. Academics District 32-4A Champion title for the 2020-2021 year.
Carter students have advanced to regionals and state in years prior, but this is the first district title as a campus.
“As a campus, we are proud of this feat. Our RedWolves demonstrated true leadership and endurance as they persevered amid a global pandemic and kept to their commitment to themselves, coaches, team and the school,” said Ivan Silva campus U.I.L. Co-Coordinator.
Mathematics and calculators coach Agustin Arias reflected on earning the title of district champs as amazing and not being possible without the dedication of our students.
“They have set the bar for next year’s U.I.L. team; the students and coaches are up for the challenge,” said Arias.
The pandemic led U.I.L. academics to make extensive changes to practices and meets throughout the year. The LJISD UIL department hosted virtual practice meets throughout the fall term to allow students to participate and practice to prepare them for a district meet that was still in the planning until two weeks before its occurrence.
Students competed in a localized pod at their home campuses while being proctored remotely.
“Competing in U.I.L. virtually was a challenge as I had to find ways to motivate myself without the direct support of my coach and in-person practices,” said senior Michael Del Angel.
12 Carter students advanced to compete at the Regional 4-4A meet, and three students have advanced to compete at the state level and earned second place in team journalism at the regional meet.
State Qualifiers
Editorial Writing
Michael del Angel, First Place
Feature Writing
Marissa Llamas, Third Place
Michael del Angel, Sixth Place
News Writing
Michael del Angel, Third Place
“Our students have shown they commit to working hard to be successful in their U.I.L. events. They will carry this dedication to excellence past their high school careers, and I have no doubt they will be successful in any endeavor they pursue,” said Arias.
Students will attend the state hub in Sharyland for competition May 1.