With the beginning of a new school year comes a fresh chapter for the school, led by its new librarian, Martin Flores.

Inspired by the happiness his elementary librarian brought his classmates, Flores decided to become a librarian and try to get the same joy he experienced to the other children.
Before entering a librarian program, Flores obtained a teaching certification and accumulated years of teaching experience. After completing the librarian program, Flores, who had been teaching at Rosendo Benavides Elementary School for 11 years, applied for an open position and secured the job.
“I always wanted to work in high school, but my teaching certificate was only covered up to sixth grade,” Flores said. “Now, with the librarian certificate, I can do elementary, middle, and high school.”
Although the library and the classroom are different environments, Flores seems to adapt quickly and satisfactorily.
“I really enjoy everybody, the staff, the students; everybody has been very welcoming on this campus,” Flores said.
Senior Daniel Flores said, “Mr. Flores is a great librarian, and I’m sure throughout the years, he’s gonna make a great impact in this school.”
Flores wants students to go to the library, feel welcome, be comfortable going up to him and asking him questions, or hang out, read, or do their work.