Announced to be Duchess of Watermelon for San Isidro was sophomore Eloisa Cantu. 

Cantu participated in the pageant in October, the first time she competed within the industry. This win made Cantu feel accomplished, seeing as she was now Duchess.

“I felt pretty accomplished,” Cantu said. “I feel like it’s a memory I’ll hold forever.”

This win was a big deal for Cantu, seeing as she never really felt interested in pageantry. 

“I had never wanted to be in the pageant industry like ever,” Cantu said. “One day, I said, ‘mom, I want to be in one.” 

During the competition, Cantu says she had a lot of support from her family. 

“My parents and siblings are great supporters, and they’ve always supported me through everything,” Cantu said.