As the school year begins, many students at Carter look forward to competing in the 2020 Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission contest due to a recent winner of 500 dollars, Leann Lopez.
Leann Lopez is a current student at Jimmy Carter Early College High School. As her sophomore year was about to come to an end, Lopez was assigned by her English II teacher to submit a poem or visual art project based on a survivor’s experience to the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission. She decided to go with a poem she later named “Pots and Pans.”
The Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission is an institution where their mission is to bring awareness of the Holocaust and genocides to Texas students, educators, and the general public to uphold the human value and inspire citizens in the prevention of future atrocities. This organization allows students and educators with the opportunity of receiving monetary grants.
“I decided to name it ‘Pots and Pans’ because that was the beginning of how it all started,” she said. “After researching her more, I just finally decided throughout all my notes, to start from the beginning with ‘Pots and Pans’ and give a little backstory to her,” Lopez said, referring to Holocaust survivor, Rosa Blum.
“I am very glad that she assigned this project and gave everyone the opportunity to get the chance to participate in this competition and ending up with two of her students as winners,” Leann said.
“I feel honored to represent my school and be able to say that I am a Redwolf, representing Jimmy Carter by carrying this prestigious award,” She said.
“After completing our unit on Night by Elie Wiesel, I wanted students to be exposed to the accounts of numerous individuals that reside or resided in Texas that experienced the atrocities of the Holocaust and genocides from across the globe. It is important to shed light on the injustices that existed and continue to exist and not remain silent,” Marybell Salinas, Carter English II teacher, said.
“After reading Leann’s poem, I knew that it had a lot of potential,” Salinas said.
“I was extremely proud that I had two students as winners in their respective categories: Leann Lopez and Maya Carrizalez. These young ladies competed amongst other high school students from across the state,” she said.
“I am looking forward to having my students make submissions for the 2020 contest,” Salinas said, “I believe that any assignment that fosters student talent and ability should be implemented.”