Jimmy Carter Early College High School receives a rating of 9 out of 10, which is higher than the average ranking of public high schools in Texas.Jimmy Carter Early College High School was ranked 114th within all high schools in Texas. Jimmy Carter Early College High School receives a rating of 9 out of 10, which is higher than the average ranking of public high schools in Texas.
Lily Diaz commented, ” I feel so proud of the teachers for teaching us so much.”
Another comment was followed by Melissa Limas ” I am thankful to the teachers for helping me get ready for my future.”
Crystal Mora also commented, ” I think we’ve all done a good job to make this school better.”
Jimmy Carter Early College High School had received a college merely academic rating well above the average for Texas high schools based on its high test performance and high AP course participation.Jimmy Carter Early Carter Early College High School was named after Jimmy Carter, an American politician that served as the 39th President of the United States from 1977 to 1981. The Jimmy Carter building was successfully built in the year of 2003.