This entry is part 15 of 39 in the series RedWolves in the Wild

THROWBACK: Care Academy at the Special Olympics FUNdamentals Event

Series Navigation<< RedWolves in the Wild: Nicole Flores Varsity Palmview Basketball TeamRedWolves in the Wild: Congratulations Yvette Rojas fifth place in Wrestling >>

Mariana Castillo is a junior in many extracurricular activities such as TAFE, FBLA, UIL, NHS, the Chess Club, Psi-Alpha, Student Government, and Mu-Alpha-Theta. She has won awards such as the journalism Gold Key in Region-at-Large South Writing under the Scholastic Art and Writing awards. She is also in the dual enrollment program to complete her Criminal Justice Associate's degree. Castillo is following the law path as she aspires to soon become a Supreme Court justice. She hopes to become a great leader to help her community.